Five Years and Counting!

Five Years and Counting!

  Happy Anniversary to Heliotrope for Hospice!! for five years we have been repurposing”gently used” flowers to people in hospice care! Donations from celebrations- people sharing their flower love. I keep learning how to improve on the basic idea, find better ways to streamline the process. How many volunteers will I need to contact to get each floral donation repurposed?  can I do it on my own? How to get the flowers to me,...

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Seeds, Beads and Blessings

Seeds, Beads and Blessings

Story #1- Seeds My mom has a way of honoring people who have passed away. I like to call it “Surely, you will be remembered:… because my mom’s name is Shirley! In Lieu of Flowers, she makes a donation to Heliotrope for Hospice, in a loved one’s honor, and I send a letter of acknowledgement to the family, with a packet of sunflowers seeds. I never know if they plant the seeds, but I feel like it’s an appropriate...

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A Touch of Ribbon

A Touch of Ribbon

There’s something about flowers and fabric that go together- the complementary embellishment that happens when you mix two worlds of nature together. Flowers are a “Stand Alone” kind of beauty… Fabrics & ribbons are a Beauty of Intention- woven, crafted lengths of organic fibers, with purpose. The bedside arrangements of flowers I make for people in hospice care are beautiful. Carefully gleaned for the best blossoms,...

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Celebrating 4 Years of Sunflower Inspiration!

Celebrating 4 Years of Sunflower Inspiration!

petals unfurling Trending in the World of Flowers is like Trending in the World of Fashion… I think people have favorite flowers that they’re drawn to, not necessarily because of “Très chic”, or the “flower de jour” but because there’s something about a specific bloom that resonates with their soul… happy… calm… thankful…joyful… contemplative…  mystified…. Every flower has a life cycle that matches our own-...

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Tree of Life, Tree of Memories

Tree of Life, Tree of Memories

  Busy, busy, busy… time goes by… I’ve been meaning to share this design, this Memorial Tree, wall of flowers, foliage and branches, since January! That’s when it all went down- when the tree was built on a wall of floral foam- a grand plan, sketched out beforehand, with approximate dimensions & a wish list of the best flowers I could think of, in a color scheme that exuded calmness and tranquility. It all...

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